Friday, November 29, 2019

Some Useful Tips on Library Research Papers Format

Library research papers are one of the possible assignments students can get. In order to create good library research papers, it is necessary to decide on a course of an investigation. If you deal with writing library research papers, you should know about the format to follow. As all academic writing papers, library research papers have their certain structure and peculiarities. In order to present perfect library research papers, you should know about each part of this work (or simply visit our homepage here and our experts will help you with any type of assignment). Library Research Paper: Title Page The title of library research papers should be capitalized, centralized and placed on the first line. Under the title the name of the author takes place. Also, you should not forget about the date. Library Research Papers: Abstract The abstract of library research papers contains not more than two paragraphs and presents a brief summary of the work itself. Library Research Paper: Introduction This part describes the object of your work. Also, you should present in this part the reasons for choosing this very research paper topic and issue under consideration. Library Research Paper: Literature Review This chapter tells about possible works, which are connected to the chosen one. Try to present the works that not only support your research, but also contradict it. Library Research Papers: Methodology

Monday, November 25, 2019

Wilfred Owen

Wilfred Owen It could be said that all of war poet Wilfred Owen 's work has a discernible purpose; this being the destructive capacity of war, and its ultimate futility. What remained constant throughout Owen 's career as a war poet was his ability to communicate his purpose successfully to the reader, through his style and technique. Some of his poems like Dulce et decorum est demonstrate Owen 's initial purpose in protesting against the war by means of definitive style and technique. In poems like Futility and Spring Offensive Owen 's purpose is centred around conveying to the reader the abnormality of war, his style and technique consolidating this purpose.Within Owen 's early poetry his purpose can be found easily, as much of the intended meaning lies on a surface level. Anger and disgust were the fundamental sentiments that permeated these poems, his intent; to reprimand those at home who ignorantly urged the doomed soldiers on to war.Owens Park Tower and Beetham Tower from BurnageA poem who se style and technique largely illuminate this purpose are Dulce et decorum est. The title is ironic, a Latin mantra used during the war to tempt soldiers into battle, roughly translated into 'It is noble to die for one's country.' Owen mocks this concept during the poem, ultimately rendering the notion of patriotism injurious and detrimental to man. This was intended to shock civilians at home, who were convicted that war was in fact noble and glorious. Continuing, Owen seems to look back on the event as it were a recurring nightmare, the ' haunting flares ' of the Five-nines foreshadowed by the haunting image of his dying friend. The mood of Dulce et decorum est is angry and condemning. Owen 's purpose is clearly conveyed through this accusation, in that he felt war was not glorious and the...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Essay - 1

Occupational Safety and Health Administration - Essay Example Safety and security of workers in the workplace are two fundamental aspects to account for. Employers are expected to ensure that employees undertake their duties in an environment that do not jeopardize their safety, health, security, and overall welfare. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets and enforces safety and health standards that should be adhered to in the workplace. Both employers and employees are expected to comply with OSHA provisions. OSHA undertakes time to time inspections in its bid to enforce the OSHA provisions. For my company, OSHA inspections are undertaken at least once every year. Some of OSHA’s inspections are impromptu, intended to capture the real scenario in the working environment. Ergonomics threats or injuries seem to trend upwards for the company. This is observed alongside cumulative trauma disorders that affect a significant portion of the workforce. The threats and injuries realized in the company are as a result of change s in the working systems that have seen the improvement of the manner in which employees undertake their duties. This threats and injuries are high before the employees fully familiarize with the improved systems. Amid this, violating OSHA can be avoided by ensuring that their continued implementation prior to making any changes in the company’s system of operation. In this respect, communication involves all the parties within the company, the external environment and the relevant agencies that deal with health safety implementation.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Should narcotic be legal in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Should narcotic be legal in America - Essay Example In this paper, the issue of legalization of narcotics in America will be scrutinized having an ethical standpoint. If people can take drugs without harming the other people then these should be legalized. Just for the sake of argument, if we keep all the harms of drugs aside if we have a situation where drugs can safely be used without any chances of harm then it should be legalized. Human beings are pleasure seeking creatures and drugs are major source of pleasure in the life of Americans. In life the facilities like music, games literature, picnic and tourism are all for human pleasure. If pleasure is deducted from human life then only we are left with boring daily routine. Pleasure satisfies our mind and nerves system. Drug also give mental satisfaction and is a source of pleasure for many people in the world. Therefore when other pleasures of life are permitted then drug use should also be legalized (Fieser 2008). Moral duty of avoiding drug related harms to society are as strong as they were centuries ago. It is obvious that many Americans are behind the bars in jail in different American cities. Drug usage has adversely affected their social life. Another thing to consider is that a drug user gets access to drugs despite all hurdles. When alcohol and marijuana are used in a controlled quantity then harms on society are not visible. Drugs should be legalized in America as we see that people can control the use of recreational drug with out harming themselves and society (Fieser 2008). It should not be the moral duty of government and law makers to stop adults from using drugs. Similarly authorities do not have any moral obligation to stop a person drinking limited quantity of alcohol or other drugs. Use of force against willing drug user must be prohibited and this can only be possible after legalization of drugs (Friedman

Monday, November 18, 2019

Historical relation between Islam, Christianity and Judaism Essay

Historical relation between Islam, Christianity and Judaism - Essay Example Religion helps to provide a driving force for every man’s existence on Earth – it is a belief of faith that people indulge in, in order to feel secure and protected in terms of their actions with relation to others around them. Islam, Christianity and Judaism are three of the world’s oldest religions, perhaps stemming and growing from each other initially as per historical evidences; however, today, the three have created a niche for themselves in the world with great followings of their own. It is said that Judaism was the backing that gave way to Christianity and Islam and that is why most of their teachings and beliefs are very much similar. The three religions share a stark relationship with each other in terms of their history with a connection between their messengers, texts and teachings. If checked properly, one can also notice the similarities between their rites and rituals, and how it is only different names and the use of different languages that sepa rates the three from each other. The commonality between the three is that each religion believes in its own God, and has put major emphasis on the higher supreme power that rules the faith. It is said that these Gods were the creators of heaven and hell, and of man’s existence on Earth, and that is why each religion has its own set of beliefs and laws for every man to dedicate his life to serving God.. Traditionally speaking, all three religions are bound by history because of their connection with Prophets like Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. They each were the servants of their Gods, and came as messengers to people in order to reveal the truth about life that God imparted to them. Abraham gave his people the message provided to him by God, Moses provided the Israelis with the Ten Commandments, and Jesus was the harbinger of the teachings of God and Hebrew prophets. Finally, Muhammad is said to have combined the above messages of God and reject any kind of idolatry whi le simply establishing some required laws for the rest of humanity to follow. According to history, it is said that Judaism formed the roots of religion from which Islam and Christianity grew with the help of Messiahs. All three religions had their own Messiahs that delivered messages of truth and peace to the rest of their followers. While taking the literal meaning of the word ‘God’ into account, all three religions date back to their creations; The Hebrew word for God is ‘Elohim’ which in Arabic or Islam can be translated as, and means, ‘Allah’. Jews were said to come from Isaac, the son of Abraham, and the Arabs from Ishmael, another son of Abraham. According to this theory, all three religions were born out of the brainchild of a single God, despite having branched out into separate entities. Thus, all of mankind is a child of Abraham. On reading the holy books pertaining to each religion, i.e., the Holy Bible or the Qur’an, many hi storians as well as people specializing in theology have pointed out that the texts and readings of all religions contain the same teachings in different languages. The names of the Prophets are also strikingly similar, with a few changes in the pronunciation due to being spoken about and written in different languages and scripts. With respect to history, taken from a pragmatic point of view, there is only one God and his sons were the ones to have brought his message to the rest of mankind, and this was done by three different elements, thus leading to the creation of different religions. Judaism, Christianity and Islam, gradually developed into powerful tools used for the purpose of politics and monarchy in different countries, among different people. Preaching to the people became a widely known concept in the early centuries of the world, and more and more people began to take to power just in order to be able to gather mass following. This came as a threat to the identity and existence of the religions as the purpose of existence for

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Recent Copyright Battles For Music And Movies Media Essay

Recent Copyright Battles For Music And Movies Media Essay As a fact, one of the principles of American law is that the author of a particular product within a certain period of time can reap the fruits of their intellectual creations. Copyright is a form of protection that U.S. law provides an original works of authorship, it includes including literary, dramatic, musical, architectural, cartographic, choreographic, pantomimic, graphic, sculptural, and audiovisual creative works.  The term copyright literally means the right to copy.  Today, this term is denoting the set of exclusive rights provided by law to authors in terms of protection of their works.  Copyright owner has the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and in the case of certain works, to public perform or display the work; create derivative works and grant the right of others to do the same on certain conditions.  Copyright protection does not extend to any idea, procedure, process, slogans, principles or discoveries.   It should be noted that intellectual property in the United States is secured by the Constitution of the United States and by number of different regulatory acts. As a fact, Uruguay Round Act Agreements have restored copyright to certain foreign works that are protected by copyright in the country of origin, but were in the public domain in the United States. Also, abolished outdated provisions of the Law on Amendments to the Act of software products (1990) established legal procedures to prevent unauthorized recording and distribution of sound recordings non studious performances of music and music videos, as stated in Copyright Battles Are About Controlling New Technologies. Copyright infringement involves the unauthorized owner dissemination of material protected by copyright, such as software, music, movies, books, computer games. Intellectual property rights are protected by the laws of most countries. Copyright infringement is usually understood as follows:   Make a copy and its sale; Make a copy and send it to someone else; In some cases, the resale of legally purchased copies. In this essay I would like more closely consider music and movies copyright infringement and describe current controversies between supporters and opponents of further hard copyright defending. As a rule, illegal distribution of movies/TV shows copies with recording them to CD/DVD disk and by copying and distribution over social computer networks or Internet,  can be carried out in order to take profit (sale of counterfeit products in shops, stalls) and without (distribution of copies of films on local area networks via the Internet, share movies with friends).  Commercial products of this kind is characterized by that may appear before the official release of the movie (known cases of appearance in the sale unfinished working version of the film stolen from a film crew).  The recording quality can be a very concede a licensed copy, and virtually has no different from it depending on how the copy and the further processing.  There is a system of symbols types of unauthorized copies that are distributed over a network (abbreviations added to the file), as described in The Record Industry Continues Battle Against Free Music Downloads It can be said that illegal copying and distribution of musical compositions copies includes the sale of music albums on audio cassettes and compact discs.  By audio piracy concerns and disseminate music over computer networks.  Exchange of musical compositions in the Internet took a truly grand scale through the development of P2P-technology.  There are many different peer networks, with millions of participants and terabytes of music. It should be noted that one of the most famous cases in copyright field was Capitol vs. Thomas. Jammie Thomas-Rasset (was born in 1977) is a U.S. citizen who was sued by Capitol Records because of file sharing. Her case is considered as a precedent.  She is accused of having distributed 24 songs on Kazaa file-sharing hosting. Her case is considered as the first of several thousand cases in which action is taken under the aegis of the RIAA legal action against illegal file sharing.  She was initially sentenced by a court to claim damages in the amount of 222 000 U.S. dollars.  The sentence was later overturned because of procedural error. The process was due to the decision of Judge Michael J. Davis in September 2008, negotiated by U.S. District Court in Duluth, Minnesota again.  It was initially questioned the validity of the evidence. As a fact, on June 18, 2009 Jammie Thomas was sentenced to a fine of 1.92 million U.S. dollars. After the sentence Joe Sibley, her lawyer went to appeal. As a fact, in January 2010, Judge Michael Davis reduced the fine to 2 250 dollars per song. Consequently, she has to pay a $54,000 fine. The prosecution and defense went against the verdict.  In November 2010, the jury has spoken in the third case against Jammie Thomas the verdict.  She was sentenced to a total compensation of $1.5 million.  The jury was set for each of Jammie Thomas popular songs 62,500 dollars.  The defense has over U.S. media and already announced further steps against the verdict. However, this process is not the only case of music intellectual property infringements, as stated in The Battle Over Music Piracy. In my opinion, an increasing number of such cases show determination of intellectual property owners to fight without any compromises. It is no doubt that music and movie industry around the world brings a lot of money.  Consequently, this activity is directly linked with phenomenon audio and video piracy. Audio/video piracy is the illegal production and distribution audio/video discs or cassettes with stored music/movie phonograms (records). Illegal, it is called because it is made without the knowledge and consent of the author and producer of the phonogram (copyright holders) i.e.  in violation of copyright and related rights in musical/movies works and the proper track.  In order to understand the essence of the above offenses, you need to imagine the nature of copyright. With respect to business entity music/video copyright can be explained as follows. Copyright is a right arising from any person whose creative effort has created some work. Most of all it is the authors of words and music. Creator of the product has the right to be recognized as author of the work, can authorize  or prohibit the use of the product under the name of the author or under a pseudonym; he has the right to publish a product.  Adjacent to the right is a right that arises from the producer of the phonogram.  This is a legal person, on the initiative, by which forces and means was recording of music performance (soundtrack).  Owners of related rights in the record business often are the record companies.   As a rule, owners of copyright and related rights (rights holders) are entitled to remuneration for each form of exploitation of musical works and phonograms, including printing and distribution of works and phonograms on physical media. Naturally, in case of duplicating and distributing pirated works and phonograms owners do not receive remuneration. Audio piracy can not be considered as only U.S. phenomenon,  it rather refers to the phenomena of countries that do not collide in this phenomenon.  (An example often cited Japan).  During 2008, the number sold in the world of pirate music CDs has increased by 950 million units (almost 50-percent growth per year) and reached a record in the history of the mark in 1.9 billion.  This is evidenced by the report of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).  Growth trends persist even today, as described in Copyright Battles Are About Controlling New Technologies. As a fact, for the prosperity of piracy in the world, there are good preconditions.  Firstly, it is standard of living in different countries.  CDs are not essential commodities.  This is not food, for that always pays as much as requested, so buyers are choosing the cheaper pirated products. Secondly, only the government can solve this problem, if show its interest, which is not visible in so-called 3rd world countries.  Audio piracy is a serious, profitable, well-organized business, to defeat which needs a serious legislative framework and the will of the executive power.  Here you can quickly earn good money, and the risk of serious punishment is still minimal, so that piracy continues to flourish.   It seems that the fight against audio/video piracy must be conducted in three main areas: 1.  Law enforcement activities.   2.  Courting.   3.  Corporate regulation.   As a fact, we are well aware that law enforcement do not consider serious enough fight for copyrights, despite all the efforts in this area are undertaken by interested associations and organizations.  All of these efforts, unfortunately, do not give the desired effect.  You do very well penetrate that if a policeman should be wrestling with robbery and banditry, and thus to check the contents of the neighboring stall, which sold counterfeit tapes, of course, in a stall, he will be the last step.  And he came back and got a small kickback for the family, will consider its task accomplished.  Unfortunately, this happens all the time, and we all know that. Therefore it is difficult to say that governments of many countries is actively fighting piracy, despite the seizures, raids on warehouses and factories that produce pirated products.  This is only a few cases and they are in any case do not show the trend. Trend is until enough permissive, as described in The Battle Over M usic Piracy. As for the judicial part of the fight against piracy, then there are obvious signs.  The courts in CIS countries, Russia and China finally began to consider such claims, and already understand how they should act.  But, given the total workload of our judicial system, there is nothing that can be joyful. Apparently, the judicial decisions that protect the interests of copyright holders can be counted on the fingers.  Third it is corporate regulation.  Those who are interested in protecting copyright and related rights are and must make special efforts to ensure that these rights are somehow protected.  I mean associations, producers and record companies. The purpose of such associations is to develop a unified strategy behavior in the market for replacement audio piracy with market economic levers.  Among such measures could be introducing a special brand owner, to prevent unfair competition, development of a unified pricing policy, etc.  It remains to note that achie ving positive results requires hard work on all three fronts. Otherwise, there is no any unexpected police raid, there is no optimization of legislative regulation, or self-sacrificing work of associations and corporations in various market segments, the results did not yield. It should be mentioned that today, in Brazil is preparing legislation that will change the whole system upside down.  They want to formally allow file-sharing (with a pair of paying dollars for the right to use) and to prohibit harassment sharing services and their consumers.  If this law came into force, Brazil will be offshore which will move all the social networking and file sharing, which got the authorities of individual countries, including United States.  And the prosecution games will be simply impossible, as stated in Copyright Battles Are About Controlling New Technologies. As a fact, current trends are aimed against the copyright holders. On January 1, 2006 was founded the first Pirate Party in the world. Its aim is the abolition of copyright and patent law and, thus, the legalization of piracy.  The first among similar parties, it has succeeded at the highest level of legislation and in 2009 received one seat in the European Parliament of the 18 seats allotted to Sweden. Following the Swedish Pirate Party were founded US Pirate Party, the Pirate Party of Germany and others.   A typical program of a pirate party contains such provisions and requirements:   Reduction of copyright term.  The real copyright term at the moment is about four generations, which many believe is a prohibitively long time.  And always prolongs term has no different from the eternal protection.   Legislative prohibition of secret information-gathering about privacy.   Preventing censorship via the Internet.  While it does not exist, however, the assurances of the US Pirate Party, its appearance in the U.S. is a matter of time. To sum it up, I would like to say that society should look for other ways to combat the scourge.  And here are two ways:   To give people reasonable, not so high prices for products of intellectual property, licensing content to make cheap and accessible;   Enable file sharing, to cease harassment of consumers, merchants, to pursue only pirates (using media), and sites that sell pirated files from their servers.   Moreover, it should not be prohibited to give a friend a book to read, a movie to watch. These are the things on that commerce and profiting to pursue, primarily due to the fact that they do not pay royalties.  They can be and are happy to pay the author, but the exclusive rights to works from publishers, and they inflate their prices to avoid competition and pursue pirates (competitors) under the law.  That is to the detriment of both author and consumer.   I think that the problem is that consumers have fewer opportunities of access to culture and education, since all it is too expensive. Even the publishers in a wacky situation they spend huge amounts of money on lawyers, PR (published in the media) and GR (working with officials).  Their money does not pay off.  Everyone would be better to move to a new system with a much cheaper intellectual property.  But  monopoly and collusion publishers do not allow us to move forward into a new era of direct relations between authors and their readers/fans.  

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Fraudulent Elections: A Look at Russia, Iran and Nigeria Essay

Despite the governments’ attempts to portray a democratic front, the obvious corruption and fraud involved in the presidential elections over the last few years in Russia, Iran, and Nigeria expose the reality of the situations. In examining the election processes of these three countries, one can clearly see that the electoral body is not independent of the party in power. The poor electoral processes have snowballed into a legitimacy crisis in Nigeria and full-fledged riots in Russia and Iran; though the authorities were able to repress these public demonstrations, the governments’ legitimacy continues to be challenged. The considerable public outcry against the results shows that the elections do not accurately reflect the intentions of the voters, that there was widespread fraud in which the vote counts for the winning candidate were significantly augmented. In addition, the cycle of fraudulent elections in these nations has created a lack of social capital and great ly hindered the pace of democratization within each of the states. Nigeria has a long history of corruption and violence marring the process of electing the country’s leaders. Assassination, voter intimidation, and ballot tampering have all been common factors of past elections; rather than focusing on the pressing issues facing Nigerians, the elections have been centered on the acquisition of power. The 2007 elections â€Å"marked the first time in the†¦postindependence history of [Nigeria]†¦that one civilian government would hand over power to another,† and what should have been a milestone for democracy was instead â€Å"riddled with corruption and malfeasance.† What could have been a break in the long chain of violence and corruption involved with the election process, c... ... (2012): 1-11. Alexanian, Janet A. â€Å"Eyewitness Accounts and Political Claims: Transnational Responses to the 2009 Postelection Protests in Iran.† Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 31, no. 2 (2011): 425-427. Ashore, Reza. â€Å"A Historic Moment in Iran.† Human Rights Quarterly 31 (2009): 843-854. Giddy, Clifford, and Andrew Kuchins. â€Å"Putin’s Plan.† The Washington Quarterly 31, no. 2 (2008): 117-127. Lewis, Peter M. â€Å"Nigeria Votes: More Openness, More Conflict.† Journal of Democracy 22, no. 4 (2011): 60-74. Nichol, Jim. â€Å"Russia’s March 2012 Presidential Election: Outcome and Implications.† Congressional Research Service (2012): 1-11. Powell, Bingham G. and others, Comparative Politics Today: A World View, New York: Longman, 2009. Subaru, Rotimi T. â€Å"Nigeria’s Muddled Elections.† Journal of Democracy 18, no. 4 (2007): 95-104.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Communication Institutionnelle

Strategic management  : Etude de cas 1- SWOT SWOT Apple  : Strenghts  : – Good reputation among consumers always with innovative products (ipod: the first portable music player) – A high turnover and the company is quoted on stock – They have their own operating system (Linux) – Customer loyalty to the brand it create a community among users of Apple – An operating system more intuitive than Microsoft. Weaknesses: – Steeve Job’s death destabilized the brand – Product prices are higher than other competitors' products – Lack of flexibility (you can’t install freeware) Opportunities: – Young children are using more and more products such as Iphone, Iphone to play. – Gap between prices of iphone and android who is closing. Threats: – The androids are developing their own applications (andoid market) – Arrival of computers with batteries that have autonomy from 9am (DELL) – Tablet PC are becoming more accessible (price) with competition SWOT Samsung  : Strenghts: – Highly technical and developed products – Create their operating system for mobile phone (Bada system) – Quick adaptation to competitors' innovations Several sector are covered (tv, laptop, computer †¦ ) if loss of money, it’s offset by other sectors – Reputation of the brand = high-tech Weaknesses: – Several sectors covered brand catchall – Creating products from the competition forger – The operating system Bada is new it is not led bugs, lack of applications†¦ Opportunities: – G rowing on Indian market – Positive brand in terms of consumers = quality Threats: – Increase in prices of raw material – Strong competition on the various markets covered by samsung. 2- Which generic strategy  : About the generic strategy, Apple applies the broad differentiation strategy. Indeed, Apple differentiates with his high quality products, the service that they propose (Apple community) has if they products are realized for the best. The generic strategy of Samsung is more popular. Even if it’s a really technical brand, they play on the cost of the product. They don’t change the quality of the product but they only try to reduce the cost of production. So, it’s a cost leadership strategy that’s using at Samsung Corp. 3- Analyse strategy Apple has an international reputation in the field of high-tech with innovation, and esthetics of its products. With this reputation the company can afford to implement higher price than competitors. Those prices select customers and therefore reduce the target brand. Apple makes its products in front with original advertising campaigns, and sells a preview creating an enthusiasm that the consumer side and therefore a large increase in sales (600 000 iphone4 sold the first day of sale). Samsung operates on the appearance of cheaper products while keeping product uality. This strategy is possible inspired by the technologies of competitors and produced at lower cost. Also the fact that Samsung produce several kind of high-tech products, avoids large losses of money if failure. 4- Suggestions/recommandations based on analysis of strategy Samsung should develop its own designs and technologies so that flakes of the forger image with consumers. Apple, however, with more elitist strategy should democratize its prices on some products to make its product more accessible to smaller budgets.

Friday, November 8, 2019

AnnouncingAccepted - The PrepScholar College Admissions Podcast

AnnouncingAccepted - The PrepScholar College Admissions Podcast SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you love our strategy guides, we have great news: PrepScholar is launching a college admissions podcast! It's hosted by PrepScholar co-founder and Harvard grad Allen Cheng and writer Melissa Brinks. Download our podcast now at iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play, and Libsyn (or wherever you get your podcasts). In our first season, which will be ten episodes long, we’ll be covering the foundations of a strong college application- how to make a college list, what SAT/ACT score is high enough, and how to maintain a good GPA with strong coursework throughout high school. Our goal in the podcast is to have an engaging conversation about college applications, in ways that are more approachable than our world-famous online strategy guides. Better yet, we’ll be taking real questions from our listeners about each topic and answering them on the show itself. So if you've ever wanted your questions answered by PrepScholar co-founder Allen Cheng, submit your questions to Our first three episodes of Season 1 are already available through iTunes,Spotify, Stitcher,Google Play, andLibsyn. We’ll be releasing new episodes every two weeks, with new questions from students like you every episode. Enjoy, and send us your burning questions!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Discrimination And Empowerment In Mental Health Social Work Essay Essay Example

Discrimination And Empowerment In Mental Health Social Work Essay Essay Example Discrimination And Empowerment In Mental Health Social Work Essay Essay Discrimination And Empowerment In Mental Health Social Work Essay Essay This essay will foremost specify what favoritism is and what it means to know apart against something. It will so explicate what it means to know apart against person or a group in societal work pattern. This will be a really wide definition that encompasses a assortment of different service user groups. Examples will be used to show what favoritism may look like in societal work pattern and mundane life. To derive a better understand the essay will critically research theory and thoughts around power and how power manifests between groups. This portion of the essay will touch on the thought of othering . The essay will utilize societal constructionism theory to analyze this construct of power. The essay will so concentrate in on mental wellness. This portion of the essay will foremost look at what a mental wellness job is and research the stigma of being labelled with a mental wellness job. The essay will so travel deeper to concentrate on how the western medical theoretical account can know apart against Black and Ethnic Minority groups ( BME ) , even if indirectly. The essay will so critically research why BME grownups, peculiarly work forces, are overrepresented in the mental wellness service. Links will be made to institutional racism and the fact that BME kids are underrepresented in kid and adolescent mental wellness services ( CAMHS ) . In in broadest definition, to know apart agencies to distinguish or to recognize a differentiation ( Oxford Dictionaries 2012 ) . In this wide sense it is a portion of day-to-day life to know apart. For illustration, an grownup may know apart between lanes on a expressway and a babe will frequently know apart between a alien and their health professional. Discrimination becomes a job when the difference or recognised differentiation is used for the footing of unjust intervention. This is the favoritism that societal workers need to be argus-eyed for. Discrimination is non ever knowing ( Thompson 2009 ) and there are assorted types of favoritism ( EHRC 2012 ) . Discrimination can be direct, indirect, based on the perceptual experience that person has a protected feature or discriminate against person who is associated with a individual who has a protected feature ( EHRC 2012 ) . The Equality Act ( 2010 ) besides aims to protect people with a protective feature ( s ) from exploitation, torment and failure to do sensible accommodations ( Home Office 2012 ) . Thompson s ( 1997 ) PCS theoretical account demonstrates that favoritism is non ever on a personal degree and it is non merely entirely down to the person. I will return to the PCS theoretical account subsequently on in the essay. Social workers act as mediators between service users and the province. Social workers are in a function that can potentially authorise or suppress ( Thompson 1997 ) . For this ground Thompson ( 1997: 11 ) argues that good pattern must be anti-discriminatory pattern . All other countries of pattern could be superb and the societal worker could hold really good purposes but if the societal worker can non recognize the marginalised place of some of the people they are working with their intercessions could potentially farther oppress ( Thompson 1997 ) . Thompson ( 1997 ) reminds the reader many times throughout the book that If you re non portion of the solution you are portion of the job . I choose to include this because it reinforces that societal workers need to dispute favoritism and take action against it. To accept it and to non swim against the tide does so do us portion of the job. Where does discrimination come from and why do people, establishments and systems know apart against people? This portion of the essay will critically research the construct of power and societal constructionism in relation to favoritism and societal work. Power is defined by Haralambos and Holborn 2000: 540 ) really slackly as the ability to acquire your ain manner even when others are opposed to your wants . This is of class a really simple definition of a complex construct. There are many theoretical accounts and theories around power. Thompson ( 1998: 42 ) identified a common subject of the ability to act upon or command people, events, processes or resources . These common subjects of power all have the possible to be used destructively in societal work. Social workers have the ability and power to act upon and command, whether this is on an single personal degree or as a gate keeper of services or agent of control. Social workers need to be cognizant of power as they work w ith people who are marginalised and powerless in comparing ; people who societal workers could potentially suppress and even worse, maltreatment. Giddens ( 1993 ) makes close links between power and inequality. EHRC Equality and human rights commission. , 2012. [ Viewed 2012.11.10 ] What is favoritism? [ online ] . Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // Giddens, A. , 1993. Sociology ( 2nd erectile dysfunction ) . Cambridge: Civil order Haralambos, M, Holborn, M. , 2000. Sociology subjects and positions. London: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd Home Office. , 2012. [ viewed 2012.11.11 ] Equality Act 2010 [ on-line ] . Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // Oxford Dictionaries. , 2012. [ Viewed 2012.10.19 ] Discriminate [ Online ] . Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // q=discriminate Thompson, N. , 1997. Anti-Discriminatory pattern ( 2nd erectile dysfunction ) . Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Thompson, N. , 1998. Promoting Equality disputing favoritism and subjugation in human services. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Ltd Thompson, N. , 2009. Rehearsing societal work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Monday, November 4, 2019

Psychotherapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Psychotherapy - Essay Example Using this technique requires the therapist or counsellor to have unconditional positive regard, genuineness and empathic understanding. (Wikipedia "Psychotherapy" 3) Carl Rogers in the 1950's was the proponent of this system and he became very controversial because he used the term "counselling" to connote a softer and more positive and humanistic approach to psychotherapy. The technique used in PCT is non-directive, where the therapists use effective listening skills in facilitating the face-to-face communication. "Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a psychotherapy based on modifying everyday thoughts and behaviours, with the aim of positively influencing emotions." (Wikipedia: "Cognitive" 1) According to Wikipedia, CBT is based on the thoughts, the emotions and the behaviour, which are, how we think, how we feel and therefore how we act as a result of the interactions of how we think and feel. In other words, how we think influence how we feel and behave on a certain situation. The problem is created because of some irrational or unrealistic thinking that gives rise to a negative a feeling and leads to a problematic behaviour. An example of which, is a child who thinks his mother does not love him because he is "dumb" therefore keeps getting his mother's attention by being excessively naughty. CBT is applied to situations like this, sometimes ranging from ordinary problems to abnormal psychological conditions and are treated through series of face-to-face sessions with a trained psychoth erapist.Other Similar Approaches Person-Centred Therapy, considered "a founding work in the humanistic schools of psychotherapies" (Wikipedia "Client-Centred" 1), is a positive approach to psychotherapy that uses the concept "here and now" and self awareness. Carl Rogers patterned his works from the existentialism theories of Abraham Maslow and the hierarchy of human needs. Other approaches that were developed from this concept but branched out to more specific systems were the Feminist therapy, Somatic Psychology, Expressive therapy, Brief therapy, Systems therapy, all of which use the modern approach of valuing the client's will to heal himself. (Wikipedia "Psychotherapy" 3) The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy does not stand on its own. In other words, it is a general term for a classification of techniques, an "umbrella term for many different therapies that share common elements" (Wikipedia "Cognitive" 2). Albert Ellis in the 1950's was the first to develop the combination of cognitive and behavioural approaches, the Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT) and Aaron T. Beck developed the Cognitive Therapy. Richard Heimberg based his Cognitive Behavioural Group Therapy (CBGT) on CBT applying group therapy which made patients feel better when they knew that

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Drugs and sports marketing Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Drugs and sports marketing - Literature review Example Mottram (2011) summarized the fundamental reasons into four, namely: 1) for legitimate therapeutic use (prescription drug or self-medication); 2) performance continuation (treatment of sports injuries); 3) recreational/social use (legal and illegal); 4) performance enhancement. (p16) These classifications underscore the sheer expanse of the coverage of drug-use in sports and one may be sure the industry that supplies the requirements is lucrative as well. The extant literature on this theme – drugs and sports marketing – is equally expansive and comprehensive owing to this particular aspect in addition to the degree of attention it receives. Sports is a popular form of entertainment today. These two variables combined demonstrate how drugs and its use affect the public image of sports and in the process illustrate to how it is perceived and, hence, marketed to its public. The following sections outline the key issues of this topic in the body of literature. These issues include: the ban/restrictions on drug use based on ethical and moral considerations alone; the fairness of performance-enhancing drugs in competition; and how drugs negatively affect the public image of sports. Key Issues Balancing Act Many observers and scholars underscore that it is imperative to distinguish the use of drugs in sports as Mottram had previously done. The reason behind this lies in the way drugs are perceived by both policymakers and the public that patronize the sports industry. There are several studies that argue how the negative connotation of drug-use often put athletes and sporting bodies in dangerous disadvantage. For example, Fost (1986) cited the classic case of Rick DeMont, an American long-distance swimmer, who had to give up his Olympic gold because it was discovered that before the competition, he took a routine antiasthmatic medications which contained ephedrine – a prohibited substance. (p5) The idea, with DeMont’s example, is that if t he aversion to drugs is misplaced, it could become unjust to the athletes themselves. This is also true with regards to the way the private lives of athletes are scrutinized and dragged in the way sports are regulated. This is represented by the constant debate with regards to the addition of recreational drugs as part of the restrictions in the International Olympic Committee’s drug-testing requirements. Schneider and Butcher (2001), commenting on marijuana use by athletes, stressed: The IOC has no good grounds for including marijuana on a restricted list, or for testing for its use. The mandate of the IOC for drug testing is to ensure that athletes compete fairly†¦ Some people might argue that the use of marijuana is illegal (and perhaps also immoral) and so the IOC is justified in testing for its use. But what possible grounds are there for suggesting that the IOC has a role in enforcing the law? (p132) The difficulty for marketing here is how to reconcile the ethical and the practical needs of the stakeholders. A crucial position in this case is how many researchers find athletes as role models for individuals especially for young people. For instance, Martin and Bush’s (2000) findings - in their investigation on the role models for teenagers today - placed athletes on equal footing with direct role models, the parents as well as their favorite entertainers. (p441) Waddington, argued that drugs connote - in the perspective of the wider public –